The CPT Certification addresses the core technical competencies of higher skilled production workers in all sectors of manufacturing. MSSC awards certificates to individuals who pass any of its five Production Modules: Safety, Quality Practices & Measurement, Manufacturing Processes & Production, Maintenance Awareness and Green Production and a full CPT Certification to those who pass all four core modules (Note: Green is not required for full-CPTAE certification.)
The Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) is the nation’s leading industry-led training, assessment and certification organization focused on the core technical competencies needed by the nation’s frontline production workers. The nationwide MSSC certification, based upon industry-defined and federally-endorsed national standards, offer both entry-level and incumbent workers the opportunity to demonstrate that they have acquired the knowledge and skills increasingly needed in the technology-intensive advanced manufacturing jobs of the 21st century. MSSC applies to all frontline manufacturing production jobs (6 million). MSSC has developed a nationally portable certification for this workforce:
The goal of the CPT certification program is to raise the level of performance of production workers both to assist the individuals in finding higher-wage jobs and to help employers ensure their workforce increases the company’s productivity and competitiveness.
Course Outline:
Safety in the Workplace
Quality Practices and Measurements
Manufacturing Processes & Production
Industrial Maintenance Awareness

CPT is accredited under ANSI-ISO 17024 (Personnel Certification). MSSC is the only national certification body globally with this designation for manufacturing.
MSSC benefits to employers include:
A pipeline of skilled workers by embedding MSSC certification training into schools
Decreased recruitment costs by providing job candidates with industry-recognized credentials
Elimination of remedial training costs by providing well prepared workers
A new ISO standard in certificates companies can use as a common practice throughout their global operations
Increased ROI for training by targeting it against the gaps identified by the MSSC Diagnostic Tool
An aid to attracting, motivating and retaining qualified employees.