Preventative Controls for Animal Foods-image

Preventative Controls for Animal Foods

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The Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Animal Food regulation (referred to as the Preventive Controls for Animal Food regulation) is intended to ensure safe manufacturing/processing, packing, and holding of food products for animal consumption in the United States. This course is held for three days with 8-hours each day and 4-hours on the last day.

Topics covered:

  • Regulatory Overview and Introduction to the Rule & Exercise
  • Current Good Manufacturing Practices
  • Animal Food Safety Hazards & Exercise
  • Overview of Food Safety Plan & Exercise
  • Hazard Analysis and Preventive Controls Determination & Exercise
  • Required Preventive Control Management Components
  • Process Preventive Controls & Exercise
  • Sanitation Preventive Controls & Exercise
  • Supply Chain Applied Controls & Exercise
  • Recall Plan & Exercise
Category: Food Safety

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