Mentoring & Coaching for Success
From Yoda to Luke Skywalker or Albus Dumbledore to Harry Potter, it’s clear that behind every successful mentee is a wise and formidable mentor that can help guide and advise the mentee with important life and career decisions. But what does it take to become that wise mentor? Or what should a new mentee expect from a growing mentorship? How do you even start a mentorship or coach others for success in your life or workplace?
Look no further! Take this valuable 8-hour training filled with interactive activities and dynamic discussions to learn the roles of a mentor and mentee, and what coaching for success looks like in your every day life. Whether you make an impact on someone’s career path or life as a mentor or have someone to look up to for knowledge or advice as a mentee, this path will be a rewarding one for you!
Training Outline:
- Establishing Expectations
- Active Listening
- Setting Personal Goals
- Developing A Personal Plan
- Identifying Gaps
- Asking Better Questions
- Evaluating Progress
Coaching For Success
- 4 Types of Coaching Methods
- Building & Establishing Trust
- Guidelines for Feedback
- Tips for Success
"The knowledge gained in the course will be used for years to come. The class was great and I would recommend to everyone." - Kayla, previous trainee
"Gave me a better understanding on how to layout my plans to achieve my long term goals. Thank you!" - Mari, previous trainee
This class is interactive as well as discussion orientated. It is designed to be fully customizable to your employee training needs and we are able to conduct this training at your site or ours.
- Click here to see if there is an open enrollment class scheduled so you can enroll today!
- Click here to view a downloadable flyer: Mentoring & Coaching for Success
- Questions? Please contact us at 559.688.3130 or [email protected]